Alzheimer's Information
Please consider joining us on this walk. Whitney Family and Friends will be walking in Bremerton for the 4th year. We cannot let funding for research on the cure for Alzheimer's end. Our son, Brian, is participating in the 2 year drug trial aimed at stopping Alzheimer's before there are physical signs. Thank you Brian, Andrea and Emily for making this huge commitment. Our daughter, Karen, and my husband, Doug, are part of the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer's Network and have begun a research project at the University of Washington as well. I am blessed to be a part of an amazing Reiswig family that has been involved in Alzheimer's Research for almost 40 years. Doug's mother was one of 14 siblings, 10 died of Early Onset Alzheimer's before age 65, most in their 50's.
Doug's generation has already lost 6 before age 63, 1 in the next generation is beginning to show signs. Our story is not unique, there are so many families dealing with Alzheimer's, please join us in the walk and let's surpass the goal listed for the Bremerton Walk. ~Ione